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Boundaries and Dolphins - Mind Mastery Podcast - Podcast #14

Scott Paton and Dov Baron

Jun 11 2008

This week Dov Baron and Scott Paton discuss boundaries. Discover how dolphins deal with their comfort zones. How is the Ego mind driven by fear? Learn the answer today. Don't forget the three most dangerous words... With more than twenty years in the industry Baron Mastery Institute has a proven track record as a world leader in advanced personal excellence education. We provide you with the most practical cutting edge tools that allow you to breakthrough your fears, overcome your limiting beliefs, and harness your ultimate power, completely aligning you with who you want to be. All of our programs combine innovative action-based learning with total immersion, giving you profound results quickly while providing positive lasting change. Whether you are looking to advance your career, develop deeper and more loving relationships, energize your health, master your emotions, or achieve financial freedom, our seminars, workshops, and University programs will revolutionize every area of your life forever. Go to iTunes and review our podcast: iTunes Mind Mastery Podcast Reviews and 5 star ratings Every review and 5 star rating adds to the popularity of my podcast and helps us put the word out to more people. Make sure to leave a Comment. Your feedback is much appreciated! <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
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What would it really mean to you to step into the highest form of being a leader in your life? Unfortunately, most people never learn that the meaning of words like money, wealth abundance, success or fulfillment; the deeply held feelings and emotions that those words hold for you are major factors in determining your level of financial and holistic success because the meaning you give these things sets your resonance. Understanding and effectively adjusting your resonance is the key to lifelong wealth abundance and joy. in The Mind Mastery"™ Podcast, you’ll discover the quantum science behind the C.O.R.E. Affluence System. Why you you may have struggled with creating level of success, wealth and fulfillment you desire. You’ll learn the value of the creative approach to financial and holistic freedom verses the competitive approach, and how to use it. This distinction is often all you need to make dramatic gains immediately. You’ll also learn how to ask for and get what you’re truly worth! About Scott Paton and Dov Baron

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